If I didn't mention it before, Brody is very tall. So all this eating is sending him straight upward. He has low weight range (25% or something) but height in the 90% range (clearly all of Rob's genes there) and a normal size head. Poor Brody went in for his two-year appointment and got a shot, but they were out of the Chicken Pox vaccination (which he couldn't get when he was supposed to, due to his brother's condition), so now both kids have to go tomorrow to get the Pox vaccine. (Now that Corey's been off chemo, he's approved to receive it.) Corey will also get his pre-1st grade check, and probably more than just one shot. Poor kid, he didn't get his four-year old shots, so he's overdue!
We had a great weekend. We had friends over to swim, and they brought a projector so we were able to watch a movie on the wall outside our kitchen while we swam. However, by then, the kids were done with the pool and ended up coming in to play Wii. So really, we should have watched a movie we adults wanted, since we were the ones who ended up watching Ratatouille.
Brody has had a lot of big steps lately. He's moving up to the two-year old classroom at Goddard, so that's big. And then he's been wanting to sit on the potty a lot lately. Which is odd, but ... whatever. I figure eventually he'll actually use it, right? Sunday I took him in after swimming

Corey's been having a great time at summer camp. He got to go ice skating today. He says he was the fastest one in his class (which is probably true - he is probably the only kid who has had lessons.) But then he said he was going "as fast as Mommy's car" which, at the time, was only going maybe 30 miles per hour, but I told him Mommy can't even run that fast. Which led us to how fast can Mommy run? And Mommy said 8 or 9 mph, but Mommy's honestly not sure that would be possible. She can walk a mean 4.5 though. So Corey ended up with 8 mph when he told Daddy how fast he can go. We also got a story about how his friend Gavin's brother, Bailey, is older but he never left the wall. And that Corey was the only one in his class allowed to skate without a bucket (the little kids push buckets to stand up), a partner or the wall.
Next up for Corey is swimming and a movie on Wednesday. He gets to see Wall-E before we do! Then I didn't put him in camp on Thursday because I have the day off. We'll probably take Brody to school for a while, at least, and Corey wants to "make cookies." His call, but there will probably be swimming involved too. I think I might take him to the library too. We haven't been all summer, and now that he can read, he's really into "Magic Treehouse" books. He has about six or seven of them, all from Grammy and Grandpa.
Wednesday night I think we're going to the Diamondbacks' game with the Hope Kids, and Friday night we'll probably go to a friend's house. Sunday we're going to another friend's house - one who has a daughter that went to Goddard with Corey. Fun times ahead! And I can work on my tan. Rob doesn't believe me, but I really do have a tan. At least as much as I ever get one....