But I know I can't post anything without having PICTURES, so I'm obliging. Nana and Papa took the boys on a train ride to Wickenburg when Rob and I were in Las Vegas, so there's a picture of the family in their bubble-like seats. See the exciting desert behind them. Now Dad did apologize, because he said that they were SO busy, he hardly took any pictures that weekend. So guess what "SO busy" means? It means over THREE days, he took 45 pictures. I guess that is a "weak" weekend for him in picture-taking, but it would have been a huge spike in picture-taking for us!
As Rob said earlier, I did feel like I was coming down with something yesterday. I had the aches and pains of something coming on. I started taking zinc and had 11 hours of sleep last night, and ... it helped a lot! I'm feeling great now!
Brody's really trying to start talking. Yesterday I was pointing at pictures, asking him who was in which picture. He said "Ya Ya" (that's Corey), "Ma Ma," "Daddy," and "Bo Bo" (that is, apparently, Brody himself.) Who knew that after all that hard work picking long names like Corrigan and Broderick, they'd be reduced to "Ya Ya" and "Bo Bo?" (Though I do say they are two monkeys, so maybe the name fits....)
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