Sunday, February 15, 2009

Sunday night update

Here is a photo from the park today. Brody loves running around with his big brother. Yesterday, Corey and I spent the afternoon at Pinnacle Peak High near Scottsdale doing a Hope Kids baseball clinic with the varsity/JV baseball teams. They did some hitting, fielding and throwing, watched a home run derby and even had pizza! Carrie made us an awesome lasagna for dinner last night and we hung out by the fire for the evening.

Carrie is taking Presidents Day off because the boys don't have school, so maybe we'll have another update tomorrow night!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

More hockey/skating

Corey's Mini Mites team got to play between periods again during the Polar Bears (18 under traveling team) game Saturday night at the Polar Ice Gilbert arena. Here is Corey talking to one of the Polar Bears before the faceoff. We'll try to upload videos at some point but the highlights were: Corey trying to chase down another player on a breakaway, Corey's near-goal (he missed the puck, which was spinning on its edge) and Corey skating over to the glass afterward to salute some fans ... and they weren't family (Corey: "I didn't want to leave the ice, and I saw some Polar Bear fans cheering for us!")

Brody also had another lesson this week and already seems to have joined his brother in mastering the "butterfly" goalie technique!

Brody also has been enjoying playing basketball in the backyard while singing ... High School Musical, of course!!!

Monday, February 9, 2009

While I'm thinking of it ...

The boys have said some pretty funny things today:

Corey (while we were talking about Carrie driving to work): "If there's traffic, Mommy is probably yelling. Mommy always yells when she's late and going to work."

Brody (after school today while he and Corey were having a snack) in his serious voice: "Daddy, Brody and Corey need more goldfishies."

Brody (after seeing a Bud Light commercial): "Daddy ... beer, just like you!"

And, finally, while talking about names ...
Me: "Are you Corrigan Robert Sinclair?"
Brody: "No, I am Brody Sinclair."
Me: "Am I Daddy Sinclair?"
Brody: "No, you are Daddy Rob!"

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Ice skating

Today Corey got a green, so I took him ice skating for 90 minutes during the public skating. THEN "Cranky Bobo" only would skate with me during his lesson so I got two for the price of one! (I'm gonna be sore tomorrow!) I have a hard time keeping up with Corey, and Brody doesn't do much during his lessons (popping bubbles, playing with toys, etc.) ... but he certainly is getting more comfortable on skates!

Monday, February 2, 2009

Super Bowl FUNday

We had fun yesterday despite the fact the Cardinals lost (which obviously wasn't as important to me as other people around here, but still). We had the Evahnekos over for drinks, snacks and our new family favorite, "Burgers of the Gods" or whatever it is. Carrie also made a "football field" dip with guac, salsa, nacho cheese and sour cream ... YUMMY! Also, here's a picture of Brody playing with the race car helmet Kristin and John got him for Christmas. The boys were playing with it all morning yesterday while we were cleaning!