Saturday, February 9, 2008

Dbacks Fan Fest and More

Happy Saturday! I took Corey and Brody to the D'backs Fan Fest this morning while Carrie cleaned the house (great deal for me, I know). Here is a picture of Corey and Chris Young (with another family favorite, Connor Jackson, in the background). Corey actually hit a Whiffleball home run off of third base coach Chip Hale OVER All-Star 2B Orlando Hudson on one of the little fields they had set up on the street.

It was fun to walk around and see the players while they were hanging out and all of them were eager to interact. We also saw Baxter (the mascot), saw/heard the organ player, got free ice cream, chips and mini-baseballs. Brody was pretty excited about "Bobo ball!"

I found some old photos of Brody while I was cleaning up the camera. Here he is ...

1) playing with his Big Wheel after Christmas,

2) reading books with Elmo, and ...

3) reading a book in his room before bed. (Brody LOVES books!)

Corey had a GREAT week at school this week ... only ONE SAD FACE in FIVE DAYS! So he invited his friend, Justin, over this afternoon for a play date. Corey's class also had a fieldtrip to Shamrock Farms (a milk farm facility). Did you know chocolate milk doesn't come from brown cows?!? Corey knows all about milk now!

Hope you have a great weekend!


1 comment:

Melinda said...

Cute pictures and it's nice to see Corey with so much hair!!