Thursday, June 12, 2008

Memorial Weekend Family Fun

It's not Memorial weekend without family! My parents came in for an extended weekend of games, zoo and lots of eating.

First of all, I want it on record that my parents always bring the rainy weather. Fact one: they rained out a spring training game in 2006. Fact two: they rained out a spring training game in 2007. In fact, we purposefully did not plan attending a 2008 game with them because of this history. Fact three: it starts raining just before they arrive, and rains for a good two or three days. They can deny it, but Rob and I know it to be true: they bring the rain to Phoenix.

While they were here, and because it was raining, we had a lot of indoor activities, including a fun round of High School Musical the board game. (Which my mother deserved because she got it for him for Christmas!) It includes singing the next line of songs, dancing and answering trivia questions that only the very most obsessed fans would know. And Corey always, always wins.

The weather finally cleared up in time for us to spend a day at the zoo. (And it wasn't too hot yet, which was very nice.)

On Memorial Day, we decided to go to Joe's Farmhouse Grill. Rob and I have been a few times before - they have great sweet potato fries, sandwiches and pizza. It's on a farm in a suburb named "Agritopia." Kind of an odd place for a throwback diner, but it's really good food.

Turns out, Joe's had been featured on "Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives" on the Food Network. Now, we kind of knew that, but I figured it had happened months ago. Nope. The night before. The line was crazy... out the front door all the way around the place. It took 45 minutes to stand in line to order and another 15 before the food came out. (Not so much "real food, real fast" if you ask me, and that was the name of the TV segment!)

While my parents were here, they couldn't help but help landscape, and when they left, we had two more bushes out front and at least five bags of new rocks. Thanks, Mom and Dad!

All in all, a fabulous weekend.

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