Sunday, August 24, 2008

Sunday Night Movie Night

Aww ... aren't they cute?

Brody loved to say it: MOVIE NIGHT! However, neither boy was thrilled with Mom & Dad's pick of Beauty and the Beast. What can we say? We have seen "Toy movie," "Car movie, "Monster movie," and "Bear movie" WAY too much. It was time for a change.

Speaking of changes... no big announcements like my sister (congratulations, Julie) - to read more, click the Urban Kansas link - but big changes in the kids' rooms. We FINALLY sold the crib and dresser today, to what looks like a good family-to-be. And so Brody's room now only has the dresser from Corey's room, his train bed and his rocking chair. (We couldn't bear to sell it since he loves it so much.) Corey's bed got moved against the wall, freeing up some space for playtime, and he "donated" his dresser to Brody. We have another one in the garage, plus TONS of closet space in both rooms, so I anticipate a major reorganization.

And while Brody ushered in a new age with the removal of his crib, he has discovered an absolute fascination with the potty, unlike his brother ever did! We broke out the kiddie potty, and Brody probably comes up to one of us about ten times a day with a need to "pooh pooh." So far, there has been no such result, but he has used the potty about three times successfully! And his favorite time to go is when Corey is also going, of course.

Brody's other favorite activity is singing. We'll have to get the ABC song recorded because it's adorable, but he also does Elmo's Song and Twinkle, Twinkle.

Then, we finished what we started, or well, what I started, a few weeks ago. We painted the master bath cabinets dark brown as we had done with the guest bath cabinets. It really does make the saltillo bearable!

Saturday night I went out for bunko, and the boys came here to hang out with Rob and kids. Rob looked exhausted when I got home (that was two men and five boys, so no surprises there.)

Wednesday night was Curriculum Night at Finley Farms. I was disappointed in the turn-out at Corey's class - about only a third of the kids were represented! Totally different than kindergarten. But I learned a lot, and as usual, and had some questions answered. Like why Corey told us he can't change his lunch anymore now that he's a first grader (apparently they only cook so many meals, so older kids don't get their requests if first graders change their mind). And why they share pencils (because some kids spend the entire day at the pencil sharpener, so she prevents that by making them trade broken pencils in for already sharpened ones.) And why Corey said he took a test that wasn't a reading test or a spelling test, but he had to read words that weren't words. Apparently it's a test they do to make sure kids can really sound out the letters (versus reading by sight.)

Corey did finally eek out a green day on Friday, and his Thursday yellow was attributed to talking (and apparently wandering around the classroom to talk!) so we are at least making some progress in that he's staying away from one boy in particular who has been troublesome. We are hoping for a very good week this week!

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