Friday, November 14, 2008

Corey's Birthday Begins!

Finally a green day at school! Yesterday was NOT good (he was literally chasing the girls and making them cry.) So as a reward for today's behavior, we started his birthday celebration a little early.

We let him open two gifts, trying to strategically select them to avoid Finley Farms' movie night. They were showing Kung Fu Panda, and luckily Cool Aunt Kristin had gotten him Kung Fu Panda, so we didn't have to go and instead got to have "movie night" at home. Corey picked our "dinner store," and believe it or not, he picked IHOP. He loves pancakes! He wanted to go to the Good Egg, but they don't do dinner. (We often went to the Good Egg on his MRI days when he couldn't eat until lunch.)

In addition to Kung Fu Panda, Kristin and Silly Goofball Johnny got Corey MarioKart, so I'm pretty sure that makes him the most spoiled kid ever!!!

He also got a gift card from Toys R Us from Nana and Papa, and we talked him into waiting to go pick out a toy until Sunday, since we don't know what he might get on his actual birthday! It seemed okay to do that one early, since my parents never made me wait to open cards. (Rob hides them from me so I can't open anything early.)

During Kung Fu Panda, Corey tried to tell everyone what was going on (I think he may have Aunt Julie syndrome - the urge to give everyone the ending when they don't want to hear it), and Brody said "goose!" and "mean kitty cat" throughout. He loved that goose!

Brody's school did pictures this week, and I found he really had nothing to wear. There was the "whales" shirt, but I figured in 10 years, I'd have no clue which boy was in which picture, since we have a pretty cute pic of Corey at Brody's age wearing the whales. Brody and I went to San Tan and I let him pick out his "picture shirt" and he picked out the "red stripes" immediately. We practiced our "picture smile" and I was sure he was going to cooperate. Not so much. Even as adorable as he was in his new outfit with his practiced smile, we'll be lucky if we get a shot out of it with eyes open. He was NOT happy about being separated from me and he looked at the photographer like she was nuts when she tried to get him to smile about a stuffed animal on her head. Nothing gets by Bobo. He didn't smile until the photographer changed gears and started tickling ME.

Tomorrow is the big day! I heard Corey explaining it to Kristin and I couldn't help but roll my eyes a little. "First I have hockey practice, then I have my hockey birthday party and then I am going to the Coyotes' hockey game with Daddy." Oh dear, what has happened?

Meanwhile, Ikea is giving out free sheets and pillows to anyone with a birthday this weekend, so I'm totally dragging Corey there on Sunday to get our free stuff. Luckily it's close to Toys R Us, so he'll be rewarded!

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