Friday, January 2, 2009

Rock Chalk Jayhawk and New Year Activities

First a few Rock Chalk tailgating photos... My boys were super-cute in all blue. Here they took a moment to pose - juice in hand - during the time Rob was setting up their movie.

And yes, for the youngest boys, tailgating did seem to mean "watching a movie." Starting with "bear movie" for Brody and ending with "high school musical 3" (which was really 2 for both of them. Oh well, it was a long day!

Our seats for the game were great. We were in the loge, so we had a little more room (and real seats as opposed to bench seats), plus free dogs and chips (but we'd kind of had our fill during tailgating.)

And today the New Year really kicked off. With Rob working his big trade show, Corey was a GREAT helper (he is SO Nana's grandson!) and we cleaned off the patio. It may not seem much to most people, but to anyone who has been in our backyard, this is a feat. And now Rob has a rather large trash pile to push out front during the next bulk trash pick-up!

We also cleaned up the boys today: nice haircuts! In case you are wondering what Brody is pointing at the camera, it's a wind-up, no-batteries flashlight. Actually, Corey's light, to be specific, as he got it for Christmas from Grammy and Grandpa. And it's hard to take pictures with a two-year old pointing an LED light at the camera! It took a few tries!

The boys have been really cute. Brody insists on Corey helping to sing songs, and tonight, Corey made it official: he added a YaYa's Song to the end of Elmo's Song (to follow Bobo's Song.) And Brody asked Corey to lay down and cuddle with him. Corey shrugged and said, "yeah, I could do that." So cute.

Now Corey is watching Mamma Mia for the second time in a row, so I'd best be off to supervise!

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