Monday, February 9, 2009

While I'm thinking of it ...

The boys have said some pretty funny things today:

Corey (while we were talking about Carrie driving to work): "If there's traffic, Mommy is probably yelling. Mommy always yells when she's late and going to work."

Brody (after school today while he and Corey were having a snack) in his serious voice: "Daddy, Brody and Corey need more goldfishies."

Brody (after seeing a Bud Light commercial): "Daddy ... beer, just like you!"

And, finally, while talking about names ...
Me: "Are you Corrigan Robert Sinclair?"
Brody: "No, I am Brody Sinclair."
Me: "Am I Daddy Sinclair?"
Brody: "No, you are Daddy Rob!"

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