Sunday, March 28, 2010

Music Program

Corey's class and two others had a music program this week. Here is a video of our favorite song ("Yours Begins with "Y," it's a sometimes letter. Drop it from the front, it makes the whole thing better."):

In case you couldn't tell, that's Corey in the front row on the right. Here's another photo of the class.

1 comment:

Monicka said...


I'm crossing my fingers that you still read this.

I found this post in a Google search...I'm a Seattle music teacher trying desperately to find the name of the musical that this song is from, but I can't remember for the life of me...I thought it had to do with "Sunnyside School" or something...I did it when I was in elementary school, but that was *year* ago and my memory's fuzzy...if you know, would you post it? I'd be ETERNALLY grateful! Thanks!