Thursday, October 16, 2008

Corey did GREAT Today

Carrie really should be providing the update, but I've got the photos. First of all, Carrie and Corey dropped Brody at school this morning while I was working. They went on a 1.5 mile "nature walk" and Corey even got to help someone reel in a fish!

At the MRI, he refused to use the sleeping gas and opted for the IV in the hand instead. Carrie said he was a very brave boy all day! He came home with a new football from the hospital and got a new Matchbox car for his baby brother.

Tomorrow we're going to a pumpkin patch (which sounds more like an amusement park than the farms we were used to in Lawrence).

We'll be sure to take lots of pictures!


Pat Sinclair said...

Hope you are having a fun day. Corey is such a brave boy and he's been through so much. Now you'll have to find time for football, not just hockey! Love, Grammy and Grandpa

Melinda said...

glad the MRI went well!