Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Ho ... ho ... ho!

OK, the "official" Santa photo wasn't as bad as I originally thought. If you click on it, you then can "right click" on the larger image and "Save Image As" to your computer.

Merry Christmas!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hi, Carrie and Rob.
I just received your holiday card today. It has been years. Thank you so much for thinking of me. Your children are darling...what a classic picture with Santa. I'm so happy to hear that everyone's health is very well. I've started to look through the events of the past year+ and am heartbroken by what your son had to endure, but am very clear to see that you guys have built an amazingly supportive and positive family.

Please visit my family's blog:

Happy holidays and hope to talk to you both soon.
Rock chalk!