Sunday, December 2, 2007

So Far Behind!

We haven't posted in a very long time. For us, anyway. And the harassing by family and friends has been non-existent, which leads me to believe that everyone else is busy as well.

Rob's parents and sister Kristin were here for a week around Thanksgiving. We bowled (Brody cried between his turns, and cried if Rob tried to bowl without him), we sat around a fire in the backyard, we drove around to see lights, we ate turkey (there were 24 pounds so we're still eating turkey), we saw Corey in his school program and we were all very busy!!! And thanks to Grammy and Grandpa and Kristin, our master bathroom FINALLY got painted and we got our Christmas lights up before our neighbors embarrassed us.

Last weekend, Corey went to his friend's birthday party and we ended up staying past dinner, enjoying some adult conversation while all the boys entertained themselves. Sunday, I took Corey to see Enchanted. Corey was not. Not enchanted. Halfway through, he said he was bored and wanted to leave. Near the end, he was screaming in fear. All in all, not such a kid's movie after all! After that, we went shoe shopping and Corey got new Spiderman shoes and we got Brody new Elmo shoes. Brody just loves Elmo. ("Melmo!")

1 comment:

Melinda said...

I was getting ready to start harassing you about the lack of Thanksgiving posting. But I knew you'd get around to it. Corey and Brody are getting bigger in every picture!