Thursday, December 20, 2007

Interesting Day

We were kind of worried about how Corey would do today during school and his holiday program because he was pretty amped up before school. As it turns out, he had all happy faces (Yippee!) but really didn't participate during the Kindergarten Holiday Musical Program. He was on stage, in his "Sunday best" and kind of singing, but not really getting in to the spirit of the show. Here he is smiling before the program (and yawning instead of singing during the show).

He had a great time afterward during the party in his classroom (he made us a GREAT calendar using handprints and footprints to make scenes for each month) and we had fun at San Tan Mall after we picked up Corey. Apparently Corey isn't destined to be a performer.

By the way, here is a great picture of the snow at Brody's school ... which prompted him to say "Bye bye 'no" ... and we know "'no" is "snow" because he says "no no no no no no" when he means "no" ... you know?!? Yes, Corey did end up throwing that snowball at Daddy!

P.S. Here is the family gathered on the couch, watching "Backyardigans" and eating ... Corn Chex! :-)

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