Sunday, September 7, 2008

Swimming and skating

Nothing like Phoenix, where you can swim in the morning and then skate in the afternoon!

At left, notice Corey's hockey hair. It has been matted down and made even crazier by wearing a helmet while he skated. Now, he was the only boy at the rink in helmet and hockey gloves, but if he noticed, he never said. He skated like he was the coolest guy on the rink.

(Check out his crash in the video below.)

Here is Corey in all his gear. He and I had a few races (I usually won, but there were a few close ones.) He's actually quite a good skater (as long as he's going forward.) As soon as he would turn around, he'd crash. And, in fact, he crashed many, many times. He noticed some of the other kids doing it on purpose, so I think he enjoyed it. He nearly always slid to the finish in our "races."

After much ado, we procured a pair of used skates off Craig's List, and I think he'll do much better having a consistent skate every time he skates. With all the equipment we have, he is set! (And we got the skates at a small fraction of what they cost originally - well worth the scuffs!)

How cute is Bobo? I couldn't resist the $3 find at the grocery store (summer closeout time!)

Our attempt at a group photo is simply miserable, but there you are.


Melinda said...

I must comment about the ASU game: of course Corey loved the pre-game show. Who doesn't love the marching band?! The hockey pictures are nice too. I can't believe there are hockey teams for 5-year-olds in Phoenix. In MN, I'd believe it, but in AZ? Crazy.

Sinclairs said...

You'll be happy to know, Melinda, I told Corey all about your Notre Dame days ... of course, it was kind of hard to explain what a saxophone is!